SC HealthViz FAQs

Q. Where can I find information on the location or hours of SC Medicaid offices, the specifics of SC Medicaid benefits, or how to enroll in the program?

A. This site is not designed to address these types of Medicaid delivery, benefits eligibility, or enrollment issues. That information is available by directly contacting the SC Department of Health and Human Services at 888-549-0820 or online at

Q: Where can I find definitions for the terminology used on this site?

A: Click here to go to a list of definitions. 

Q: Will this site be undergoing revisions to add new features or additional reports?

A: New features and functionality will be added to the site if and as needed.

Q: How often are the reports available through SC HealthViz updated?

A: When reports are updated depends on the type of information they contain. Medicaid Enrollment and Benefits and Services data are updated annually.

Q: Why can I not select more than one type of demographic filter (ex. to see Medicaid Enrollment by Race and Gender)?

A: In order to protect the confidentiality of Medicaid recipients, this functionality is not provided, as the resulting data would, in some instances, not return counts that would meet the reportable minimums. 

Q: Is there any way to retrieve the data in formats other than pdfs and images?

A: Currently, those are the only formats available. To protect the confidentiality of Medicaid recipients, we do not currently offer other export options. If you are using assistive technology to access our site and need content in an electronic format other than the exportable pdfs, please contact us at