The South Carolina Maternal Health Innovation Collaborative (SCMHIC) is built on prior successes within the South Carolina Birth Outcomes Initiative (SCBOI) and existing strong capacity to access diverse sources of maternal health data. Being able to leverage this existing foundation brings power in partnership to innovate, collaborate, and elevate to transform maternal health together.

SCMHI engages community partners and individuals with living expertise, all united by a shared goal: to turn the tide on maternal morbidity and mortality. Our Aims seek to avoid replication, and by building on the strengths of these individual initiatives, we can improve maternal outcomes together.
These strengths facilitate SCMHIC aims to develop its newly formed Maternal Health Task Force, improve access to maternal care services, identify and address workforce needs, increase data reporting capacity, and foster maternal health literacy and empowerment by providing access to culturally responsive and linguistically appropriate resources. The scope of work is grounded by a commitment to engage community partners and birthing persons with living expertise.
Having the SCMHIC housed within SCDPH allows the grant’s intentions of collaboration and promotion of innovation to directly benefit the work of our state’s Title V program and SC Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Review Committee (SCMMMRC), which are also administered by SCDPH. Likewise, our core implementation and evaluation partner, the University of South Carolina Institute for Families in Society (IFS), has provided technical assistance, consultation, and evaluation to SCBOI since its inception, allowing SCMHIC to support existing quality improvement efforts, expand simulation training to non-obstetric providers, and identify maternal care service area gaps. It will take this power in partnership with the support of the core leadership team to effectively change the system of care.
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