SC Department of Public Health logo South Carolina Maternal Health Innovation Collaborative Institute for Families in Society logo

Power in Partnership

Program Vision & Goals


Leadership & Direction

Task Force (MHTF)

South Carolina Maternal Health Innovation Collaborative

Mom and baby.

The South Carolina Department of Public Health (SCDPH) was awarded a five-year State Maternal Health Innovation (MHI) grant as part of the third cohort of states funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) from September 2023 to August 2028.

The purpose of the State MHI program is to reduce maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity (SMM) by:

  • Improving access to care that is comprehensive, high-quality, appropriate, and on-going throughout the preconception, prenatal, labor and delivery, and postpartum periods;
  • Enhancing state maternal health surveillance and data capacity; and
  • Identifying and implementing innovative interventions to improve outcomes for populations disproportionately impacted by maternal mortality and SMM.

Innovate, Collaborate & Elevate

The South Carolina Maternal Health Innovation Collaborative (SCMHIC) is built on prior successes within the South Carolina Birth Outcomes Initiative (SCBOI) and existing strong capacity to access diverse sources of maternal health data. Being able to leverage this existing foundation brings power in partnership to innovate, collaborate, and elevate to transform maternal health together.

Collaborative partnerships.

SCMHI engages community partners and individuals with living expertise, all united by a shared goal: to turn the tide on maternal morbidity and mortality. Our Aims seek to avoid replication, and by building on the strengths of these individual initiatives, we can improve maternal outcomes together.

These strengths facilitate SCMHIC aims to develop its newly formed Maternal Health Task Force, improve access to maternal care services, identify and address workforce needs, increase data reporting capacity, and foster maternal health literacy and empowerment by providing access to culturally responsive and linguistically appropriate resources. The scope of work is grounded by a commitment to engage community partners and birthing persons with living expertise.

Having the SCMHIC housed within SCDPH allows the grant’s intentions of collaboration and promotion of innovation to directly benefit the work of our state’s Title V program and SC Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Review Committee (SCMMMRC), which are also administered by SCDPH. Likewise, our core implementation and evaluation partner, the University of South Carolina Institute for Families in Society (IFS), has provided technical assistance, consultation, and evaluation to SCBOI since its inception, allowing SCMHIC to support existing quality improvement efforts, expand simulation training to non-obstetric providers, and identify maternal care service area gaps. It will take this power in partnership with the support of the core leadership team to effectively change the system of care.

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Vision and Goals

Our vision is a South Carolina where every birthing person thrives within a unified, forward-thinking, and inclusive maternal health environment. We aspire to lead in transforming maternal health outcomes through collaborative efforts, ensuring that all South Carolinians have access to equitable and compassionate care, enabling them to flourish.

Overarching Program Goals from 2023-2028

The overarching goal is to improve maternal health outcomes by collaboration and promoting innovation in maternal health to advance, develop, foster, and support innovations across four essential drivers for change—maternal health service delivery systems, workforce development, data collection and reporting, and community engagement through diverse partnerships and supported efforts. This will be accomplished via the following objectives:

  • Establish a state-focused MHTF to inform and help implement a strategic plan incorporating activities outlined in the state’s most recent State Title V Needs Assessment.
  • Improve access to maternal care services and identify and address workforce needs to promote and execute innovation in maternal health service delivery.
  • Enable SCDPH to improve the collection, analysis, and application of state-level data on maternal mortality, SMM, and associated drivers.
  • Provide providers, organizations, and individuals with access to resources and applications that promote maternal health literacy and empower birthing persons to recognize the early warning signs and symptoms of an OB emergency, addressing Title V and the MMRC's recommendations to decrease preventable deaths.

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Maternal Health Innovations

The following SCMHIC innovations will be implemented during Years 2-4 iteratively with feedback from community partners, OB clinical educators, persons with living expertise, and MHTF members. A final evaluation and dissemination of findings will occur in year 5.

  1. Implementation of a low-fidelity SimCOACHTM curriculum that will offer virtual learning sessions in rural areas and education of ED staff.
  2. Internships to students attending USC’s MCH LEAP and Catalyst Center to address maternal health provider gaps, including workforce training addressing retention/burnout and respectful care.
  3. To foster empowerment, development of provider handouts and online materials for birthing persons that will integrate existing maternal health literacy content, input from persons with living expertise, and linkages to existing community and clinical resources.
  4. Establishment of a mobile maternal health literacy application highlighting data at the local level that leverages machine learning techniques and input from community-based partners.
  5. Creation of a birthing persons advisory council.
  6. Implementation of a small grants program that will address resource gaps identified by the SCMHIC MHTF.

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Program Leadership & Direction

Core Leadership Team

Click on a member's name to view an introduction and bio.
For more information, please contact Ladrea S. Williams-Briggs, DrPH, MS, South Carolina Maternal Health Innovation Grant Manager (

SC Department of Public Health

SC Department of Public Health logo.

Kristen Shealy


Principal Investigator


Ladrea Williams


Grant Manager


Nicholas Resciniti


Senior Epidemiologist



University of South Carolina Institute for Families in Society

Institute for Families in Society logo.
Ana Lopez – De Fede


Co-Principal Investigator

Distinguished Research Professor Emerita


Sarah Gareau


Co-Principal Investigator

Assistant Professor


SCMHIC Task Force

Engaging community partners and individuals with living expertise is not just a part of our aims, but a crucial element that we value and consider integral to our approach. With that in mind, the Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF) is comprised of a diverse group members from a wide range of organization across the state, including participation from educational entities and research partners, community organizers and partners, media and information groups, public health organizations, individuals with living expertise, and clinical and provider organizations. The inaugural meeting of the SC MHTF was held on Thursday, August 22, 2024, at the SC Archives and History Building.

The first meeting was collaborative and energizing with a focus on providing background, building partnerships, reviewing data-driven needs, identifying strategies, and planning next steps. Materials from the meetings may be reviewed here.

See the full listing of the state's MHTF Membership by Organization (February 2025) here.

Download thumbnails for SCMHIC Task Force.


SCMHIC Task Force participating groups.

Work Groups

The MHTF will be divided into four workgroups based on the project’s key aims. Each task force member is assigned to a work group based on their expressed area of interest and their area of work. The MHTF Workgroups include:

  1. Maternal Health Data (February 2025)
  2. Maternal Health Service Delivery (February 2025)
  3. Maternal Health Workforce Development (February 2025)
  4. Maternal Health Literacy and Empowerment (February 2025)


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