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A website of the USC Institute for Families in Society
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Maternal and Child Health
SC Maternal Health Innovation Collaborative
Comparing Two Ways to Reduce Complications among Women after Giving Birth
Does Doula Care Improve Postpartum Health Outcomes for Patients with Medicaid?
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Quick Tips
SCRIPTS calculates Morphine Milligram Equivalents (MME) for you
(September 2017)
If you don't take opioids, you won't have opioid-induced constipation
(December 2017)
Co-prescribing naloxone and opioids may save a life
(March 2018)
OUD is a manageable chronic disease, just like hypertension and diabetes
(June 2018)
Many payers reimburse for depression screening; coverage varies for anxiety
(September 2018)
Now, up to three delegates (i.e., office staff) can run SCRIPTS reports for you
(December 2018)
Safe disposal is for ALL meds and supplements, not just opioids and other controlled substances
(March 2019)
Most insurances now cover naloxone nasal spray
(June 2019)
Naltrexone can also be used to treat alcohol use disorder (AUD)
(June 2019)
Always consider scheduled dosing around-the-clock for acute and chronic pain treatment
(January 2020)
South Carolina pharmacists can dispense naloxone to a patient or caregiver without a prescription or standing order
(April 2020)