CME: Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Can Change a life

Activity Title: Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Can Change a Life
QUICKtipSC: A naloxone prescription and opioid overdose education can reduce overdoses – plus, it’s now required by SC law to offer for all higher risk circumstances.

Publication Date: July 31, 2021
Release Date: September 3, 2021
Expiration Date: September 3, 2024

Writing Group:
The planners and writing group of this CME activity have no relevant financial relationships to disclose with commercial interests: Sarah Ball, PharmD (none), Kelly Barth, DO (none), Sandra Counts, PharmD (none), Nancy Hahn, PharmD (none), Lauren Linder, PharmD (none), Jenna McCauley, PhD (none), Joseph McElwee, MD (none), William Moran, MD (none), Megan Pruitt, PharmD (none), Sophie Robert, PharmD (none), OCS, (none), Chris Wisniewski, PharmD (none).

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